Welcome to the first PQIP newsletter of 2019, we hope you've had a good start to the year and we are excited to bring you news of the year ahead! In this month's update:
- PQIP Poster Competition at Anaesthesia 2019
- New Guidance on How to Export your PQIP Data
- March Quarterly Reports
- The 2019 PQIP Annual Collaborative Event
Click the link above to view the newsletter online.
Abstract competition for PQIP related research and QI - deadline 1 April 2019
Click on the link above for:
- November Quarterly Reports Published
- PQIP's 2019 Collaborative Event
- Fitter Better Sooner Patient Information Toolkit
- Enhanced Recovery and Anaemia Pathway Sharing
- Data Entry Reminders
- 100 and Rising!
Click on the title above for details of the new PQIP App, available for free now on the iOS and Android stores.
Click on the link above for...
- Getting ready for the trainee changeover
- New guidance on preoperative anaemia published
Click on the link above for...
- Collaborative events - massive thanks!
- Please review your PQIP team members and leadership
- Please lock your records!
- Annual report
- Sharing your local data
- Dealing with local challenges
- Robotic prostates OUT, complex orthopaedics IN!
- Are we collecting the 'right' data? Your chance to feedback to us
- Improvement opportunity focus: a 'how-to' guide for managing preoperative anaemia
- pomVLAD sub-study launches!
- Send us your stories
- And finally ... please tell us how to run next year's collaborative events
Click on the link above for...
- Save the date for PQIP Collaborative Event!
- Quarterly Reports
- Site and Patient recruitment
- Website updates and Amendments
- Quality Improvement Projects
- HSRC Regional Fellowships include chance to workon PQIP
- Opportunity for Anaesthetists to attend SARS
- Give us your feedback on PQIP News!
Click on the link above for...
- PQIP Reports & Feedback
- Site & Patient recruitment
- Website update of Fair Processing Information
- 6-month Follow Ups
- Amendments
- More to watch on PQIP TV
- SARS call for Perioperative Abstracts
- August changeover - the perfect time to start a QI project!
Click on the link above for...
- Important Changes to Data Entry Webtool
- Site and Patient recruitment
- Amendments
- PQIP TV - and Radio! -now live!
- PQIP Quality Improvement Dashboards
- Top Tips
- And more…
It's fair to say that February was an interesting month. The Royal College of Surgeons asked for an inquiry into provision of surgical critical care beds (the good news is that there's a study around the corner which will help answer the important questions - more on that later); human factors reached the Oscars (enough said); and... the first 250 patients were recruited to PQIP! Thank you for your support.
Click on the link above to read the full newsletter...
We know that things are tough on the NHS front line at the moment. So an even bigger thank you than usual to everyone who is getting started on their PQIP adventure. We're looking forward to an optimistic, positive and innovative 2017, working with you to improve patient outcomes after surgery. Here are some updates and some things to look forward to.
Click on the link above to read the full newsletter...

- NIHR portfolio adoption confirmed
- First five hospitals have confirmed R&D approvals and are poised to start
- New PRISM Quality Improvement and Improvement Science e-learning module launched on e-Learning For Health
- Full PQIP live website to be launched next week
- Senior clinical leadership gives thanks to PQIP local teams
- We are open to new sites
- We are now in contact with individual hospitals about setting up PQIP locally
- We are now confirmed on the NIHR portfolio!
- Check out the new QI training module on elearning for Healthcare
- What does QI mean to you?
The HSRC and RCoA want to support you in using the data you collect for real quality improvement locally: we are developing a suite of videos, podcasts, and other support mechanisms to help with this
Why do we need PQIP?