PQIP Newsletter - 18 November 2016

Welcome to the PQIP online
newsletter. This week's updates:
NIHR portfolio adoption confirmed
The PQIP patient study, which will recruit 70,000 patients over
four years has been adopted onto the NIHR portfolio. This means
that you should be able to access support from your local NIHR
Local Clinical Research Network to recruit patients to PQIP and
support data management locally. Please contact crnanaesthesia@nihr.ac.uk if
you need further information.
First five hospitals have
confirmed R&D approvals and are poised to start
The first five hospitals to get their R&D paperwork sorted
and agree readiness to take part are Wirral, Plymouth, Dudley,
King's Lynn and Russells Hall – thank you and well done! We're
looking forward to talking to local teams and R&D departments
in our site set-up phone calls over the next few weeks.
Meanwhile, the total number of hospitals planning to take part in
PQIP remains around 70 – great result and thanks for your
support. We are still interested in recruiting new sites, so
spread the word!
Full PQIP live website to be launched next week
The full website is nearly ready to go! We have been working hard
on making this an interesting resource for investigators and all
clinicians engaged in PQIP. Within the data entry web-tool which
will be accessible to participating hospitals, we are including
links to key research papers, blogs and podcasts from experts
about some of the big issues and conundrums around perioperative
care. PQIP is about much more than just data entry – it is
about learning and improvement so we hope that the website and
web-tool will support local teams in these efforts.
Royal College and Faculty thanks given to PQIP
local teams
The Presidents of the Royal College of Anaesthetists, Surgeons
(Eng) and Nursing, and the Deans of the Faculties of Pain and
Intensive Care Medicine have all given their full endorsement to
PQIP and co-signed a letter which will be sent to CEOs of hospitals
taking part. In the letter they thank the named individual leads
for surgery, anaesthesia, improvement and of course the local
Principal Investigator. Like them, we are grateful for your
support and engagement with PQIP and look forward to working with
you over the coming months and years.
That's it for now folks. Please
follow us on Twitter @pqipnews
and get in touch with any queries. Have a great week!
is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch
– Vince

Perioperative Quality Improvement
Royal College of Anaesthetists
Extension: 678 | Web: www.rcoa.ac.uk