Background to the Associate PI Collaborative Scheme
Welcome to the API collaborative section of the PQIP website. The API collaborative started in September 2023 with the aim of supporting PQIP APIs get the most out of their time with PQIP. It is open to all current and past APIs. We also welcome any members of the PQIP team and so PIs, research nurses and anyone in the perioperative MDT working on PQIP is welcome to join. We will run 3 sessions over a 6 month period looking at recruitment, data, QI and DrEaMing and how to embed this locally. Please contact or for more information.
More information and terms of reference for the API PQIP Collaborative.
How to register and become a PQIP API.
API Collaborative event. Session 3. 24/01/2024.
QI Methods; understanding the systems we work in and making meaningful change.
Lucy Davies: Overview of Quality Improvement:

Session three recording:
API Collaborative event 22/11/23.

Session two recording:
API Collaborative event 27/9/23.
How to use PQIP data (Rachael Brooks):

Collaborative working and the API (Eleanor Warwick):

Session one recording: