PQIP Collaborative Events
We will be holding this year's annual collaborative event at the King's Place in London on Monday 16 September 2019. The day will feature the launch of PQIP's second annual report, presentations from local investigators on their successes and challenges, small group breakouts for individual surgical specialties, and much more.
Booking for the event is now open. To manage capacity, we are offering three free places to each participating hospital on the basis that at least one anaesthetist and one surgeon is registered, and may be able to offer extra places to teams nearer the time depending on capacity. We are in the process of drafting the event programme at the moment and will upload to this page in the coming weeks. To register your place, please visit the following Eventbrite page:
Click here to see the event programme
If you have any queries regarding the event or how to register, please do not hesitate to contact the PQIP team at PQIP@rcoa.ac.uk. We look forward to welcoming you to what promises to be an engaging and stimulating event in September.