Dr Ramani Moonesinghe
Ramani is a Consultant and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine at University College London Hospitals (UCLH). She is Director of the NIAA Health Services Research Centre based at the Royal College of Anaesthetists, and Director of the NIHR-funded UCLH Surgical Outcomes Research Centre. In 2016 she was appointed as Associate National Clinical Director for Elective Care at NHS England. Ramani was an RCoA Council Member from 2008-2012 and is a member of the RCoA Perioperative Medicine Leadership team.
Ramani's academic interest is Health Services and Improvement Research in perioperative medicine, in particular, risk stratification and outcome measurement with a view to improving the quality of care for patients undergoing major surgery. In 2015 she began a 3-year fellowship in Improvement Science with the Health Foundation; the focus of her fellowship is developing PQIP and studying how clinicians use data for quality improvement, testing new methods of helping them.
Dr Chris Snowden
National Clinical Lead for Perioperative Medicine
Chris Snowden, a Consultant Anaesthetist in Newcastle upon Tyne, has throughout his career been involved in establishing key components of perioperative care at a local, regional and national level.
As National POM Clinical Lead, Chris is responsible for driving forwards the RCoA Perioperative Medicine Programme. Chris is also co-lead for the Anaesthesia arm of the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) initiative. |
Dr David Gilhooly |
PQIP Fellow |
David graduated from NUI Dublin in 2003 and became a member of the Royal College of Surgeons in 2006. In 2010 he became a Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists and Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.
David has completed fellowships in Difficult Airways, Simulation and Bariatrics and is currently undertaking an HRSC fellowship.
Dr Duncan Wagstaff |
PQIP Fellow |
Duncan is primarily involved in the set-up and ethnographic evaluation of PQIP.
Duncan is an Anaesthesia trainee (ST5) in North Central London, currently finishing an Academic Clinical Fellowship and about to begin an MD(res) using qualitative methods to explore the use of data for quality improvement. His other academic interests include Health Economics and Global Anaesthesia.
Dr Helena Smith |
PQIP Media Advisor |
Helena is an anaesthetist at UCLH. During her anaesthetic training, she diversified and gained her Masters of Fine Arts at the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University. Helena has combined filmmaking with medicine to create documentary films to inspire, educate and inform patients, carers and healthcare professionals.
Helena’s main area of interest is producing films showing the patient experience and patient perioperative journey, to focus attention on patient-centred care, shared decision making and patient education to enhance quality improvements within perioperative medicine.
Dr James Bedford |
PQIP Fellow |
James graduated from Peninsula Medical School in 2007. Since then he has spent time training in Anaesthesia in the Yorkshire and Humber Deanery before moving to London in 2013.
James is currently an ST5 dual trainee in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine in the South East School of Anaesthesia, London. He has also spent time working in Intensive Care at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, South Australia. James' main role in PQIP involves quantitative data analysis to inform the quality improvement initiatives. |
Mr James Goodwin |
Head of Research, RCoA |
James is the Head of Research at the Royal College of Anaesthetists, looking after departmental strategy, budgets, and projects and managing the team. James oversees the RCoA Perioperative Medicine Programme and delivery of the College’s research objectives, including PQIP, the National Emergency Laparotomy Audit (NELA), the National Audit Projects (NAPs) and Sprint National Anaesthesia Projects (SNAPs). James manages the National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia (NIAA) and the Health Services Research Centre (HSRC).
Dr Jonathan Wilson |
Pilot site representative: York Teaching Hospital NHS Trust |
Jonathan has been a Consultant Anaesthetist for 21 years and at York Hospital since
April 1995. Current research interests include the management of high-risk
surgical patients, preload responsiveness monitoring, and exercise testing for
high-risk surgical patients.
As PQIP's site representative, Jonathan's input keeps the aspirations of PQIP as realistic and deliverable
as possible for the teams on the ground who will be providing the data. Some have kindly described him as the resident cynic (with tongue firmly in
cheek of course!).
Dr Maria Chazapis |
PQIP Fellow |
Maria is an Anaesthetic Research Fellow based at the
UCL/UCLH Surgical Outcomes Research Centre.
Maria is an ex-Darzi fellow,
specialising in quality improvement methodologies. She is working towards
completing her PhD in quality and safety measures for the improvement of
perioperative care.

Mr Martin Cripps |
Net Solving Ltd |
Martin is a Senior Consultant at Net Solving specialising in online data collection tools for audits, questionnaires and registries.
Previous IT experience includes insurance, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, travel and digital media. More recent projects include National Emergency Laparotomy Audit (NELA), Sentinel Stroke National Audit Program (SSNAP) and the UK Cystic Fibrosis Registry.
Prof Mike Grocott |
RCoA |
Mike Grocott is the Professor of Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine at the University of Southampton and a consultant in Critical Care Medicine at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust.
Mike was founding director of the NIAA Health Services Research Centre and founding chair of the National Emergency Laparotomy Audit. Mike is NIHR CRN national specialty group lead for Anaesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain. He serves on the RCoA Perioperative Medicine Leadership Group and is an elected member of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine Board and RCoA Council.
Dr Michael Swart |
National Clinical Lead for Perioperative Medicine |
Mike Swart, a Consultant in Anaesthesia and Critical Care in Torquay, has had a professional interest in perioperative medicine for the last 17 years and has been involved in developing and implementing improvements in preoperative and postoperative care for patients both locally and nationally.
As National POM Clinical Lead, Mike is responsible for driving forwards the RCoA Perioperative Medicine Programme. Mike is also co-lead for the Anaesthesia arm of the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) initiative.
Prof Naomi Fulop |
Professor of Health Care Organisation & Management, UCL |
Naomi is Professor of Health Care Organisation & Management in the Department for Applied Health Research, University College London and Visiting Professor at King’s College London.
Naomi’s research interests and expertise are at the interface between health policy and service delivery, management and organisation of health care. With experience of leading large-scale research studies, Naomi is currently the elected Chair of Health Services Research UK. |
Mr Paul Cripps |
Net Solving Ltd |
Paul is the owner of Net Solving Ltd, a business specialising in online data collection and reporting tools for clinical audits and clinical registries. |

Ms Sharon Drake |
Director of Clinical Quality & Research, RCoA |
Sharon is Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Clinical Quality and Research at the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCOA), leading on the formulation of RCoA strategy, policy and plans in respect of standards, quality improvement, safety and research.
Sharon has worked in the education and healthcare sector for the last 23 years, both as an educator and a senior manager. The last 15 years have been spent working at Board level with two of the largest medical Royal Colleges, delivering and supporting medical education, training and healthcare policy in a challenging and changing landscape. |
Ms Alexandra Brent |
Perioperative Medicine Programme Coordinator, RCoA |
Alexandra administratively coordinates the RCoA Perioperative Medicine Programme and PQIP.
Alexandra is the initial contact point for anybody participating, or with an interest, in PQIP and can be contacted at pqip@rcoa.ac.uk. |
Dr Dermot McGuckin |
NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow |
Dermot qualified from Queen's University Belfast in 2008 and began his anaesthetic training in the Central London School of Anaesthesia in 2011. He is currently an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow at University College London with an interest in data science and health services research, particularly in relation to perioperative risk prediction and outcomes measurement.