PQIP News Update - 27 February 2019
Dear Dorian,
Welcome to the first PQIP newsletter of 2019, we hope you've had a good start to the year and we are excited to bring you news of the year ahead! In this month's update: |
PQIP Poster Competition at Anaesthesia 2019

There will be a PQIP visual abstract competition at the RCoA’s flagship conference, Anaesthesia 2019, which is being held at etc venues, St Pauls, London on 20 – 22 May. We are inviting entries which either use PQIP data and/or detail projects which are based on any of the PQIP top five improvement priorities published in last year’s annual report.
We are inviting submissions in the form of visual abstracts – i.e. a poster - with between one and five diagrams/tables in a landscape page format. Posters will be displayed at the conference and a small number shortlisted for oral presentations. Deadline for applications is midnight on 1 April 2019.
If you are interested in entering a submission, please refer to the competition guidelines available on the RCoA website.
New Guidance on How to Export Your Local Data

In response to some queries from teams on how to access their local data, we have updated the guidance available on our website to clarify the use of the data export/query functions on the PQIP web tool. This guidance is only available to logged in users, so once you have logged in please hover the mouse over Data Query and then select Guides on Exporting Data from the drop down menu (as shown in the screenshot above). The new guidance is the latest entry at the bottom of the page.
If you have any queries on exporting data after reading the guidance, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the PQIP Helpdesk and we will be able to advise further.
March Quarterly Reports

We will be publishing our latest set of quarterly reports on the PQIP webtool, tailored to your site and subdivided by specialty, by mid-March. The reports are provided in Word, PDF and PowerPoint format for ease of sharing and dissemination, and also include a snapshot infographic detailing how your site is performing against PQIP's top five improvement opportunities for 2018-19. We are also able to provide bespoke reports for sites upon request, so if you would like to get a more in-depth picture of your performance by procedure, for example, do get in touch as we'd be happy to do so.
To ensure your reports are as up-to-date as possible, please lock all of your complete records by the close of play on Thursday 28 February. Remember, the patient questionnaires do not need to have been completed for you to lock the record - as long as the clinical data has been fully inputted (sections 1 - 7 on the CRF), then you can proceed to lock the record.
PQIP's 2019 Collaborative Event

Following on from the success of this year's collaborative events in London and Manchester, we have been busy planning next year's offering. We will be staging one large event at King's Place in London on Monday 16 September where we will be launching PQIP's second Annual Report and hoping to stage surgery-specific breakout sessions for delegates. More details will follow in due course but do save the date in your diaries for the time being and book any necessary leave. We would love your thoughts on any topics you would like to see covered in the sessions. We are keen for the sessions to be as constructive and interactive as possible so all suggestions are most definitely welcome!
That's it for now folks. Please follow us on Twitter @PQIPNews andget in touch with any queries. Happy recruiting!
The PQIP Team |
"Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice."
– Anton Chekhov |