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PQIP Newsletter - 28 November 2017


Welcome to the November PQIP newsletter! Winter is coming...

Dear Alexandra

Firstly, a warm welcome to all the new sites that have started on their PQIP adventure. Those that are now old hats at this, thank you for your continued support of PQIP!As always if you have any queries you candrop us an email at

If you missed our previousnewsletters – you can access them here


Save the date for PQIP Collaborative Event!

Monday 16 April 2018 is the planned date of our first collaborative event, to be held in London at the RCoA. We are just finalising the details but we are hoping that there will be more than one event to accommodate colleagues from around the UK, and that each day will allow for the exchange of ideas and be open to all healthcare professionals. Watch this space!


Quarterly Reports

The latest PQIP Quarterly Reports were released earlier this month. This quarter we have added PowerPoint slides so you can share your data with colleagues helping you to drive quality improvement.To view your reports login to the PQIP website and click on 'Reports', and then 'Site Reports'.

For viewing on a computer screen, we recommend the file ending in .html, for printouts the .pdf version is probably best and the .pptx files are best for presentations. We are looking at ways of making this easier to navigate.

We hope they are useful in supporting your local QI efforts, but your feedback to make them even better would be much appreciated. Each report has a link to a survey at the end, or you can access the survey directly here.

There is also a new video on PQIP TV to help show how some data may be of use to local sites. Check it out at our YouTube channel via the player below.


PQIP Video on Quarterly Reports


Site and Patient recruitment

PQIP has recruited over 4,800patients! 69 hospitals are now up and running. Congratulations to Royal Berkshire Hospital and Dorset County Hospital for being the latest sites to start recruitment!

If you are not yet started on PQIP but want to, contact for support and tell your local R&D department you want to join this NIHR portfolio adopted study (CPMS ID 32256).


Website updates and Amendments

We’ve made a few updates to the CRF and SOP and have sent an email to all Principal Investigators regarding this. You can view the latest update information here and access the current versions of the CRF and SOP here.

We are planning to add orthopaedics and plastics to PQIP in the coming months. We will keep you updated once we have finalised launch dates and got all the paperwork sorted.


Quality Improvement Projects

Quality improvement is at the heart of PQIP, and the data you collect is easily accessible for you to use via the web tool at PQIP website. We hope you use the data to drive your own quality improvement projects. Along with the quarterly reports, you can access the dashboards on the website to track changes that you implement as part of your quality improvement projects.

Don’t forget trainees! Trainee involvement can work both ways. Trainees can assist with data collection and running of projects. Trainees that show active participation in PQIP may be presented with a certificate. This can also be used as a guide on how to map acitivity to the training curriculum, if needed, for ARCP.


HSRC Regional Fellowships include chance to work on PQIP

There is still just about time to apply for one of the Regional Fellowship positions being advertised by the Health Services Research Centre (HSRC).

These posts are a great opportunity to work on HSRC and RCoA-led research and QI projects, including PQIP. If you or any trainees you work with are interested, apply to by5pm on Wednesday 29 November 2017.

The HSRC is also looking for topics for NAP7 – make your proposal via the link.


Opportunity for Anaesthetists to attend SARS Annual Meeting

The Society of Academic and Research Surgery is offering, via the National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia, the chance for three anaesthetists to attend its 2018 Annual Meeting, to beheld inNottingham from 10-11 January 2018.

Anaesthetists of all grades are eligible. Find more information at the link above anf submit your application to by 5pm Friday 8 December 2017.

Click here for more information on the event.


And finally... gives us your feedback on PQIP News!

You made it to the end! We are always looking to improve – was this newsletter useful? Give us your thoughts via the voting buttons below. In the meantime, have a great Christmas and New Year and we will see you again in 2018!

The PQIP Team



"You can't fake quality any more than you can fake a good meal."
William S. Burroughs,The Western Lands


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